Monday, May 16, 2011

Editor's Note by Queen Jahneen from "Rebirth of Seeds" by Renard "Zo" Williams

Editor’s Note by Jeannine Etter, from the book The Rebirth of Seeds

The Rebirth of Seeds is like the Rebirth of Cool by Miles Davis. It is lyrical jazz from an Urban Guru; sonnets and expressions that dance and sing to the tune of our souls…by way of intelligence.

Rebirth is transformation, and in this case, spiritual transformation from the unknown to the “overstood.” It is an “ah-ha!” process; a slow and sometimes painstaking journey.

And yet, it is a quest, and like all quests, it is not likely taken by the faint of heart. This is a voyage only for the brave, truth seekers: that small group who want to know more and more and MORE, never stopping until arriving at truth’s door.

In this day, as seeds are rapidly deteriorating due to the darkness of ignorance, the lights will come. The Rebirth of Seeds is one such beacon of light in the darkness of modern day society with its mechanical, lock-step and predictable right brain thinking.

Predictability is safe, but is does not necessarily denote truth. The truth will set the minds of the enslaved-cased matrix free…and freedom is a hot and precious commodity.

It is balance in our minds that we seek; something to offset the machine within us that doesn’t stop to think; the machine that doesn’t stop to analyze itself and its action for the benefits of its own survival, or the survival of its offspring. Are we animal, machine or human being? Are we more than what we believe we are? What are we capable of producing…of manifesting?

Imagine: leaves and trees sprouting up with the Rebirth of Seeds like fruit on the vine ripe for the picking and ingesting of something whole, of something solid and complete. Vitamin Z. Quite possibly a cure to world inner-hunger.

This manual is for you to develop and follow your own inner soul and see how deep the rabbit holes goes and ultimately to graduate from the land of Oz. Destination: Home.

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